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facilitating healing outdoors

Numerous studies have shown the benefits of both nature connection, and therapeutic or expressive writing. The combination of nature and writing allows us to tap into our innate wisdom and find a healing connection with earth.


'Rewilding' has become something of a buzzword in recent times, and not without good reason. Just as rewilding a place is about creating the right conditions for the land to flourish in a more natural way, rewilding our human selves boosts well-being, allows individuals to self-regulate their emotions and fosters a deeper connection with the world we inhabit.​

“You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars. You have a right to be here.” 
Max Ehrmann 

how can we rewild ourselves?

For thousands of years we were in the wild and of the wild, living intimately with the earth, in contact with our own wild essence.

Rewilding is a journey of discovery that can help us expand our awareness into the feeling of being alive in this body, on this planet; a journey of coming home to ourselves. When we learn how to reconnect deeply with our environment, with this living planet, we find reverence and respect for Earth, and a desire to care for it and all its inhabitants.

about me


Catherine Eden offers Expressive Writing workshops and courses, and facilitates outdoor nature connection workshops. She also works with corporate teams to improve staff wellbeing and happiness. 

A freelance journalist of 30 years, Catherine brings her passion for communication and love of the great outdoors into her work with clients


As a BACP registered creative counsellor, ​Catherine earned her Professional Diploma in the Therapeutic and Educational Application of the Arts at the Institute for Arts and Therapy in Education (IATE) in Islington, London.

Graduating from the Natural Academy in Bristol with Level 3 Ecopsychology after Forest School and Bushcraft trainings, Catherine has since trained with environmental art therapy pioneer Ian Siddons Heginworth, The London Art Therapy Centre, BAAT and professional writing academy Write Well.


When not wild swimming, camping or journaling perched in a tree you will find her barefoot in her garden on the south coast.

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